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About Garmong Development

The Garmong family of firms offers Garmong Development, LLC.

Building Indiana often takes creativity and additional capacity – and Garmong Development, LLC was established to offer both! Through the implementation of our Shell Building Program, we have helped dozens of clients bring jobs, increased tax-base and profile to community after community. Financing got you perplexed? Let us help you. Need developer expertise? Economic impact estimation? Need to outsource the site selection assessment? If you want to carry your community forward, Garmong Development will give you the right resources and guidance to get there!

When you grow a family-run business from the ground up in Indiana for 95 years, you get to know a few folks along the way. We have established relationships with key folks at the Indiana Economic Development Corporation, the Indiana Economic Development Association and numerous local and regional movers across the Hoosier state. Keep your money local! From local bank financing down the street, to leveraging the larger-based markets, Garmong will help you find solutions to project funding.

When your project seeks an “all hands on deck” effort to get it done, look no further than Garmong to bring the right resources to the table. Combine Garmong Development’s capability with Garmong Construction’s builder savvy and you will unlock the full potential necessary to bring your project vision to reality.